
Summer Work and Travel

The Summer Work and Travel (SWT) program is a cultural exchange program that allows international college and university students to work and travel in the United States during their summer vacation. It’s a fantastic opportunity to experience American culture firsthand, improve English language skills, and gain valuable work experience.

Key Features

  • Eligibility: You must be a full-time student at a post-secondary institution outside the United States.
  • Program Application: Apply through a designated sponsor or program provider.
  • Job Placement: Your sponsor assists in finding suitable employment, typically in the hospitality, tourism, or recreation sectors.
  • J-1 Visa: Obtain a J-1 visa to participate in the program.
  • Work and Travel: Spend up to four months working in the US, followed by a month of travel.

Important Considerations

  • Program Costs: Include application fees, visa fees, and potential placement fees.
  • Living Expenses: Budget for accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses.
  • Job Search: Actively seek employment opportunities through your sponsor or independently.
  • Legal Requirements: Adhere to US immigration laws and work regulations.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance for added protection.